Just a warning, this is long... but I hope you take the time to read it, because for each and everyone who does, I took the time to write it for you.
For the past two weeks, I have been thinking a lot about life in general. I kept getting this feeling that there is more to it then the day in and day out grind. I just recently finished Jenny McCarthy's book More than words. If you don't know what it is about, Ill give you the jist of it. Her son, Evan, was diagnosed with Autism. More than words goes through the previous dilemma's that she went through before she was lead to the right doctor who watched her son, for no more than 5 minutes and immediatly knew that it was autism. She went through grueling days of seizures, aggressiveness, and deminishing speach, and was dying inside without knowing what or why her son was acting this way. She realized that there was a reason why she had written those previous books, which in turn, lead her to this one. That it was fate that it happened to her, because people were already listening to what she had to say through her books and comic relief. She knew that awareness of autsim and its triggers were now her new full time job.
Now, with Mason coming up on his 1st birthday, [which is completely unbelievable!] he will now becoming exposed to the vaccines that could possibly trigger Autism. There are so many people who do not believe that these vaccines are the triggers, including most pediatricians. With all that I have read and researched, It couldn't hurt to skip the vaccines we should be able to skip. These vaccines have multiplied tremendously within the past 15 years or so. How do we not see that this could be harmful to our children when in the late 80's Autism was a "rare" disease that some doctors would be lucky to see a case to learn from. In 2002, the U.S. Department of Education reported that nationwide autism rates had jumped 556 percent in a decade. (
http://whyfiles.org/209autism/) 556%! Now 1 in 150! Is this not astounding? Boys are mostly affected by whatever this trigger is. Now with Jenny, she has her son now on a strict diet [gluten and cassien free], Autism somehow also correlates with stomach sensativity. Could that also be an indication that these vaccines may be too harsh for these young children and their fairly new immune systems? At least these are my conclusions.
This has really sparked my thinking on the "bigger" picture. Since I have become a mom, I have seen many things differently, I already had my thoughts about treatments on ADD and ADHD, and medicine in general. Now with one of my own, those and more only multiply my passion for answers.
What has been keeping me up at night has been mainly where my next few steps should lead. I needed some guidence. Something was urging me to go to the church that was such a big part of my life in highschool, Central Christian in Mesa. The senior pastor there has always been able to get a point accross with simple stories and refrences from his own life and experiences. Nothing deters people more than someone who believes they are perfect, especially those of religion. This is why I felt so compelled to go back here for answers. They do not claim to be perfect at all. I cannot speak for all who attend here, but for the most of them that I know are very humble. Last saturday, I could not shake this feeling, I knew I had to go. When I got there and was handed a bulletin I sat and read the preview while they sang (not one to sing in public :) ) guess what the premise was? Here is what it said, "Imagine this. You've orded something online have been eagerly awaiting its arrival to your home. You've been to the Web site to track your package with UPS multiple times a day. But you still don't have it yet, and you're beginning to suspect a problem... you lean that the driver who had your package decided to keep it... He thought it was for him." The more we got into it I jotted down somethings that he said. "What are you here for?" "Everything you now have you are required to take care of. Those are your tools." "The way you manage your stuff is the way you manage your life". Are not all of these quotes pertaining to what I was looking for? I had all of the tools in my possesion. I can start a spark in others to get things done. But what is it? My passion is children and helping them succeed. Where to start I am not sure.
I look ahead in the pamphlet, next weeks topic was debt. Do you know anyone who doesn't need advice on this subject? If you do, can I have their number? I have a few questions for them.
Tonight was the night to talk about this debt thing, these were the thoughts:
That [does that now make sense or what?!]
-you have no idea what you can live without until you try.
-we love things more than we hate debt
-Debt is like fat around you belly, past pleasures
-Debt robs your future before it pays for your past. [do you want to have a healthy retirement plan or none at all, and leave debt for your loved ones to pay?]
aren't those big or what?
It really makes me want to get all my ducks in a row, so when my time is up, Mason does not have the resposibility of paying off my debt when I can handle it on my own, and still give him a fruitful childhood. Like I said before, I have all the tools now to do what I was put here to do. Be a good mother is one of those things.
With all of this said, I hope that I make a difference in your life, and with future blogs, with my thoughts, I hope to spark your fire to make a difference as well. "A positive and beautiful person inside never goes unnoticed by those who see the positivity exhuming from them"