Tuesday, March 2, 2010

fly balls and home runs

I'm going to get the negative out first, always feels better when I end on a high note.

On the job front, I'm still pulling out my hair, and desperately trying to get into a position where I can at least tolerate the mundane. I thought I had a great opportunity in a branch, but after my interview yesterday, that went down the drain. Interviewer said that I was obviously qualified for the coaching aspect, and obviously a great employee, but I did not have enough managerial experience with goal based operations. Yea, Yea. Its getting very disheartening when you know you have what it takes to step it up and others just look at the black and white.

Caught fly balls seem to be the theme for us at the moment. We got Sterling a work truck, spent an ungodly amount of money on it, and it took a crap on us. So we had to end up doing something we DID NOT have planned. At all.

My political side is getting larger and larger with what is going on in the government. My motto has always been, if you don't like what is going on in America... Take a hike. I'm starting to see the other side. Please tell me why those who were on unemployment, received unemployment benefits while unemployed, receive a 3500 dollar tax break? Tell me how this sounds right. Didn't we, the people, help them out WHILE they were unemployed? Why should they receive more? Its a sore subject because WE both lost our jobs, and I fought tooth and nail for where I am, I may complain, but I am thankful for the income. Sterling on the other hand, has bounced from job to job, to support his family, unable to receive benefits because he jumped at every job that was brought to him, even if it was not enough. I certainly, certainly, do not mind paying taxes, but I do get angry when they want to pull our Officers and Fighters when they should be the LAST to go, and stop painting mosaics on our freeways, no one cares about those, the mosaics do not keep our cities safe.

And the health care debate... Oh, the debate. Let me tell you from a non insured pregnant woman at time in need. This system DOES need to be looked at. I was unmarried, and pregnant with my first child, making 12/hr. According to the Government, I made TOO much to get help. I am now STILL stuck with $12000+ in medical bills, while other who took advantage of the system sit at home with their children and play with them. They need to audit the current peoples using it and then set the standards for those who actually NEED it, instead of RELYing on it.

Now the stresses of trying to find a decent roof for our boys, without sacrificing their safety. Talk about disheartening. We are even considering a 1 bedroom and were rejected at one apartments that would have been PERFECT. But they have a 3 to 1 policy. So they offered their 1 bedroom with a den, and of course its out of our "budget".

Breathe........"If he brings you to it, he will guide you through it"

Benjamin is one!

Mason is turning 3!!! what what???!!

I cant even believe the time.
We are talking about signing Mason up for soccer. He keeps asking, and I know he would love to play with some "friends". :)

There is a difference between complaining, and getting stuff off your chest.

With all those negatives above, there has been a lot of patting on the backs, and "we will get through this" talks. I thank God everyday for providing the backbone that is my husband, I can even begin to express how helpful and loving he is. He has a huge heart. I'm not one to boast about my love, but man, sometimes your just can't help but praise the one that is fighting right along side you. When I have the moments of pity me, he grabs my hand and walks through the rain with me. I know that when he repeated "In sickness and in health." This meant financially and physically. In these times of recognizing him, It makes it easier to excuse the smelly work clothes on the floor and the open cereal box from the morning before.

Since I have found a good new pair of shoes, I have regained my ambition to run. I have even sacrificed my lunch break, to take a run. I would love to take run outside, but again, run into wanting to hang out with my boys... and boys always win. Hands down. Ill deal with the treadmill, until I can get time to run, without interrupting my boy time.
We can groan, we can grumble, but you pick yourself back up, dust off your clothes, and get back in the fight. Those who are taking the easy road today, will see your hard work pay off later, and you'll be the one ahead.