Monday, March 30, 2009

March in a lump sum.

I want to start off by saying this is going to be a pretty long one, just because when I read, it makes me want to write. k?k.

So I finished "New Moon" and it is freaking fabulous! I am so glad it turned out the way it did and I am super stoked for the actual movie to come out, just to see how they will portray the story. There is a lot of action in the second half. (thank god because this book took forever to finally get off the pity wagon) I have started "Eclipse". I have heard that this book is pretty stinking good too. Snaps for the twilight series.
*Disclaimer: I know that its a teenage phenom and I am 22 years old, but its so stinking good I don't care. Find time to get lost in another world once in a while. Its worth it.

Here are two pictures from Mason's birthday party, I STILL haven't gotten the disposible pictures to the store to get developed because I was sick all week last week along with my two babies. No fun. No gym time either. Blegh....

He is such a big boy, I can't believe he is two already. **Mommy Alert** (may be graphic to those who don't have children) Last night Mason went poopy on the potty, and this time it was him actually actively pushing... I gave him ice cream for a congrats!! I have to now stock up on a more sugarless prize. :) I'm stoked, and really hope this wasn't just a fluke. He tells us that he has to go potty, so he knows whats gotta go down.

Yesterday was my hubbies birthday and he was stoked. He mentioned about how funny it is how un eventful your birthdays become when you have children. Your own birthdays don't seem as a big milestone as your childs, so why celebrate? I think its malarky. I made him a great pancake breakfast with bacon. His birthday request. All of this after pulling all nighter fighting with Mason to stay in his room (why he put up a fight alllllll night, I dont have a clue) We went to the dog park with Capone. He went to buy his birthday present. Ended the day with a joint bday get together for him and my step brother JD. He is a such a great father, and an amazing husband. I sometimes stop in my tracks and wonder how in the world I got so lucky to have nagged one of the most compassionate and smart men I know. He is truly a blessing. Even when he leaves his sweaty gym clothes where he takes them off i.e. in the middle of the floor in mounds; sweaty mounds. Hehe

I have the most massive headache I think I have ever had in my life. I may even consider it a migraine its so stinkin bad right now. I was thankfully asked to stay another week at work to "man" the phone, since it won't roll over to the new office til next monday. So all this week, I will be at the office, job searching, reading Eclipse, skimming magazines, car less. So with this said, My headache + sans water = not a happy camper at the moment. OUCHIES!

After a week of not being at the gym, I am stoked about going and getting into my cardio and strength training. I really want to start working out in the morning. I just feel that would make me a happier person during the day with more energy. Ironically since I was home last week the two days I was sick, I couldn't nap to save my life. Why was this??? Aren't you supposed to nap when your sick? Whatev. I just have to work this headache GONE!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Srsly, Lucky.

I have been under the weather the past two days. And my wonderful husband made this for me to brighten my day.
I super lucky to have him. The best 6 years of my life.

(click on it to read it.)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Family Pictures

My father-in-law took some pictures for us about a week ago, and I got them back. Here they are.



Brotherly Love ;)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mason's 2

My biggest baby is 2!
I can't even believe it!
He is such a booger and never seizes to amaze us.
I got up early and cooked breakfast fit for a prince and he loved!
He even got a strawberry smoothie along with his french toast, bacon and eggs.
By the end of the day, he was singing "Happy [pause] to you" taking out the word birthday, lol.
He's a pic of his breakfast and then his cake. :)
Birthday party is on saturday and we will have tons of pics from then too! :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nanny 911

My aunts have run their corse with watching the boys, and we are so greatful that they helped us out this long. Their job has picked up (lucky for them) and don't have the means to continue watching them. If any of you know someone that is looking to take care of kids for some extra cash, please let me know. I would much rather have a friend of a friend take care of my precious boys than some random person on craiglist (because really, day care isn't financially an option at 300+ dollars a WEEK).

Please pass this on... we would really appreciate the help. THANKS!

Friday, March 6, 2009

It won't be like this, for long

He didn't have to wake up
He'd been up all nite
Lay'n there in bed listen'n
To his new born baby cry
He makes a pot of coffee
He splashes water on his face
His wife gives him a kiss and says
It gonna be OK
It wont be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laugh'n
At the week we brought her home
This phase is gonna fly by
So baby just hold on
It won't be like this for long
Four years later bout four thirty
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clinging to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says what can I do
She says now don't you worry
This will only last a week or two
It wont be like this for long
One day soon we'll drop her off
And she wont even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It wont be like this for long
One day soon she'll be a teenager
And at times you'll think she hates him
Then he'll walk her down the aisle
And he'll raise her veil
But right now she up and cry'n
And the truth is that he don't mind
As he kisses her good night
And she says her prayers
He lays down there beside her
Till her eyes are finally closed
And just watch'n her it breaks his heart
Cause he already knows
It wont be like this for long
One day soon that little girl is gonna be
All grown up and gone
Yeah this phase is gonna fly by
He's try'n to hold on
It wont be like this for long
It wont be like this for long

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mr. Mom

It has just been one of those days for Sterling.
Whenever we don't have a sitter for the boys during the week, Sterling has to stay home until someone gets home and is able to let him work (his job is piece rate with flexible hours).
Play by play

6 this morning, Mason decides to wake up and "get ready" with my mom and I. Come time for us to leave, he flips out, and wants nothing to do with Daddy.

9 rolls around and I get a phone call from Sterling saying "We are on our way to the emergency room"... WHAT?! Why? He said that Mason cut the tip of his finger pretty good from the open green bean can from last nights dinner. So the doc put glue on his finger and sent them home.

this next one is the kicker:
Sterling was feeding Benji and Mason pooped his diaper, so Sterling changed his diaper and was bombarded with Benjamin's demanding cries for his milk. So he just slipped Mason's shorts on with his diaper. (Un pottytrained without diaper = no good.) Being a one track mind guy, completely forgets. He feeds him lunch, then lays him down for his nap. about 15-20 minuter later he hears something hit the wall. Mason had climbed into our bed and was standing up, hands against the wall, legs spread, and had pooped...yes POOPED his diaper pants!! Hence the waste was not contained...

The End.

Poor Daddy.

Book worm

On a book binge... and decided once I make my way through New Moon which is finally starting to pick up after 200 pages of Bella "waa waaa why'd he leave me waa waa" I can happily move onto her friendship with Jacob and gleefully welcome Edward back at the end. Sadly, I know more about the book than I have read, but enjoy the anticipation and unfolding. Anways... These are some books on my list that I am going to hunt for. If you have any that are a must read, Please add a comment.

  • Diary of Ann Frank
  • The Shack
  • Down Came the Rain
  • [please insert your book here]

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


a little bitter today

never trust a man with a mustache

small world full of douches
not the vinager and water kind.


After reading Lauren's Bite and realizing that she is not crazy obsessed with Edward Cullen from the Twilight series. She explained why she was so passionate about it. Girl you can obviously tell you don't have children yet, especially to be able to take pictures of Pocket Edwards "first bath" lol But the simple fact that you have a passion that you are dedicated to, makes me stop and wonder, what's my passion. I have an absolute love for my children and a passionate love affair with my husband who still gives me butterflies even after knowing him for 6 years. I went to my google university, as Jenny McCarthy calls it, and searched "finding my passion". Several self help websites came up and listed things that can "help" you find your passion. I figured I could jot down some of the things that bring a smile to my face.
  • teaching children
  • psychology and how the brain works (cognitive)
  • doing crafts
  • pictures
  • purses
  • shoes
  • scrapbooking
  • making jewelry
  • new technology
  • nostalgia
  • reading something that takes me out of my "element" aka-twlight
  • learning knew things
  • random facts and thoughts
  • writing my thoughts
  • friendships
  • talking about my kids
  • talking about life in general
  • making collages on the computer
  • movies, movies and movies. Especially movies that really take you away and make you really think.
  • different culures, beliefs and religions
  • health and your body
  • exercizing the body and mind
  • history, anything historical (ties into cultures, beliefs and religion)
  • travel
  • In depth conversations with someone about their passions
  • politics (yes, you think, boring but it really sparks my interest when people explain their logistics)

a lot. Just writing all of these out it is clear to me why I haven't been able to narrow down one particular interest and really become overwhelmingly passionate it about that ONE thing. I certainly can not have them all. I would love to have something that I can really take time out of the day for myself to really focus on that one passion of mine. My mom's passion is running, My Aunt Barbs passion is scrapbooking. Mimi's passion, although it gets her in trouble, is shopping. Clicking through random blogs, there are some people who obviously have a true passion for blogging about anything and everything. Oddly, I'm envious. It has to be because they take that time to stop, sit and write about their lives, this is their time.

I don't know very many people with this "blogger" but I have been able to browse through several and would hope to get some sort of feedback. According to "ineedmotivation" they said that about 75% of people have no idea what their passion is. I find this kind of endearing, knowing I am not the only one, and it seems comes full circle when people often complain of feeling lost. I don't feel lost. Just simply misplaced and a mess in my own brain.