Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Present Past and Future

So the extent of the past week has kind of been a whirl wind and probably will continue for the days months and years to come.

About a week and a half ago I found out that my stepmom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Don't you find it amazing how your life can change in an instant?! And you have NO control of the outcome of the cituation presented? This will definitely be a trying time for Patti and everyone in her life. Especially my dad. After losing my grandma to cervical cancer in July of 01, you would hope that it was the last time a death to cancer would affect your life. Unfortunately cancer has entered our life once again... and now its a waiting game of hoping and praying for healing and calm. It really puts a lot of things into perspective when someone is told their life can be cut short before they are ready to say goodbye. Not only their life but their families as well. We will of corse be their for Patti in her rough journey ahead, but I couldn't imagine how it would be for her if she didn't have my dad by her side to help her through. This is a prime example of reason. Gods reason.

Love will make you do things out of character, but always for a reason. A meaning. My dad and patti got "matching" tattoos to symbolize the stuggles ahead, because God knows that she will go through more pain in treament than she did when she got this visual reminder of strength.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Along side of this news, We had two dogs go to doggie heaven as well... At least they are now no longer suffering but healed.

We now turn to a light note.

Mason has now upgraded to a big boy bed. 3 weeks ago he decided to act like superman and propel out of the shopping cart right on his noggin. He had a nice egg and bruise in the center of his forehead and it was the first (and Im sure not only) urgent care trip in his life for an injury. The big boy bed is doing fine, we are still in the stage of repetition. "Night night time" "get back in bed" Mommy and Daddy back and forth back and forth as he peaks his little grinning face through the crack in the door. So hard not to just giggle when you see that little "im not here" grin. He is such a big person. Very independent and so much like my family in the loving department. It has to be on his time and his agenda. If he isn't ready for hugs and kisses, don't even try, he won't have it. Reminds me so much of my sister. hehehe

Baby number 2 has an appointment on monday of next week. We are having another ultra sound because last time they didn't get a good view of one of his ventricals of his heart. So we get to see our little munchkin again! Then regular doctors appt after. Ill be 22 weeks tomorrow. Its gone by so fast, but I am already wayyy uncomfortable with my ever growing tummy. These sweets cravings are KILLING me! He is either punching or kicking me like crazy. Either/Or he makes his presence known. I also think he is letting my know during the day now, that my "non maternity" pants are cramping his space.

I truly do have the best husband around. We seem to always be on the same page, whether it comes to raising mason or future endeavours. He never fails to keep my spirits up when I am feeling low. He always knows what to say, even if I don't agree, he is normally right. I couldn't ask for a better father for my children. He loves to wrestle and play with Mason but doesn't ever seem to show that he is overwhelmed when he has to put his foot down when Mason is throwing a temper tantrum. I know when Mason's brother comes into our world, he will come into a loving and safe home, with only the greatest of intentions and the most love he could ever ask for (or want).

To close this out, I want to note that no matter how hard things get, always try to look at the bigger picture. Know that if there is someone not present, it does not mean that you are not present in their heart. I think about my grandma often and I know that while she sits in heaven, she is often looking down on my family and giggling at the things we are doing. Maybe even sometimes calling mason a "little sh*t" when he is picking on his mommy and daddy.